Marxism & hegemony: blog tasks Task 1: Mail Online review of Capital in the mail online review of Capital, the writer states that Capital features a plethora of left-wing ideologies. The writer suggests that this is because the writers want to appeal to people that are of ethnic minorities by portraying everything that is traditionally British as something that is negative. This belief, from the writer, is shown in the line 'Everything British came in for a dose of loathing' Criticisms of Capital 'With a fizzle like a firework on a wet night, Capital (BBC1) dribbled to a soggy ending'. This quote is quite critical of the plot to Capital however it made be argued that this criticism is valid. The first episode was strong in terms of plot but that may have changed later on in the series. 'One of the immigrant characters snarled, with real anger' This comment poorly reflects what actually happened in the scene. The writer must've purposely wri...